module Statsample::Codification
This module aids to code open questions
Select one or more vectors of a dataset, to create a yaml files, on which each vector is a hash, which keys and values are the vector's factors . If data have Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN on a value, each value will be separated on two or more hash keys.
Edit the yaml and replace the values of hashes with your codes. If you need to create two or mores codes for an answer, use the separator (default Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN)
Recode the vectors, loading the yaml file:
recode_dataset_simple!() : The new vectors have the same name of the original plus “_recoded”
recode_dataset_split!() : Create equal number of vectors as values. See Vector.add_vectors_by_split() for arguments
recode_file="recodification.yaml" phase=:first # flag if phase==:first,"w") {|fp| Statsample::Codification.create_yaml(ds,%w{vector1 vector2}, ",",fp) } # Edit the file recodification.yaml and verify changes elsif phase==:second,"r") {|fp| Statsample::Codification.verify(fp,['vector1']) } # Add new vectors to the dataset elsif phase==:third,"r") {|fp| Statsample::Codification.recode_dataset_split!(ds,fp,"*") } end
This module aids to code open questions
Select one or more vectors of a dataset, to create a yaml files, on which each vector is a hash, which keys and values are the vector's factors . If data have Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN on a value, each value will be separated on two or more hash keys.
Edit the yaml and replace the values of hashes with your codes. If you need to create two or mores codes for an answer, use the separator (default Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN)
Recode the vectors, loading the yaml file:
recode_dataset_simple!() : The new vectors have the same name of the original plus “_recoded”
recode_dataset_split!() : Create equal number of vectors as values. See Vector.add_vectors_by_split() for arguments
recode_file="recodification.yaml" phase=:first # flag if phase==:first,"w") {|fp| Statsample::Codification.create_yaml(ds,%w{vector1 vector2}, ",",fp) } # Edit the file recodification.yaml and verify changes elsif phase==:second,"r") {|fp| Statsample::Codification.verify(fp,['vector1']) } # Add new vectors to the dataset elsif phase==:third,"r") {|fp| Statsample::Codification.recode_dataset_split!(ds,fp,"*") } end
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/statsample/codification.rb, line 134 def _recode_dataset(dataset, h , sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN, split=false) v_names||=h.keys v_names.each do |v_name| raise Exception, "Vector #{v_name} doesn't exists on Dataset" if !dataset.fields.include? v_name recoded=recode_vector(dataset[v_name], h[v_name],sep).collect { |c| if c.nil? nil else c.join(sep) end }.to_vector if(split) recoded.split_by_separator(sep).each {|k,v| dataset[v_name+"_"+k]=v } else dataset[v_name+"_recoded"]=recoded end end end
Create a excel to create a dictionary, based on vectors. Raises an error if filename exists The rows will be:
field: name of vector
original: original name
recoded: new code
# File lib/statsample/codification.rb, line 67 def create_excel(dataset, vectors, filename, sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) require 'spreadsheet' if File.exist?(filename) raise "Exists a file named #{filename}. Delete ir before overwrite." end book = sheet = book.create_worksheet sheet.row(0).concat(%w{field original recoded}) i=1 create_hash(dataset, vectors, sep).sort.each do |field, inner_hash| inner_hash.sort.each do |k,v| sheet.row(i).concat([field.dup,k.dup,v.dup]) i+=1 end end book.write(filename) end
Create a hash, based on vectors, to create the dictionary. The keys will be vectors name on dataset and the values will be hashes, with keys = values, for recodification
# File lib/statsample/codification.rb, line 35 def create_hash(dataset, vectors, sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) raise ArgumentError,"Array should't be empty" if vectors.size==0 pro_hash=vectors.inject({}){|h,v_name| raise Exception, "Vector #{v_name} doesn't exists on Dataset" if !dataset.fields.include? v_name v=dataset[v_name] split_data=v.splitted(sep).flatten.collect {|c| c.to_s}.find_all {|c| !c.nil?} factors=split_data.uniq.compact.sort.inject({}) {|ac,val| ac[val]=val;ac } h[v_name]=factors h } pro_hash end
Create a yaml to create a dictionary, based on vectors The keys will be vectors name on dataset and the values will be hashes, with keys = values, for recodification
v1=%w{a,b b,c d}.to_vector ds={"v1"=>v1}.to_dataset Statsample::Codification.create_yaml(ds,['v1']) => "--- \nv1: \n a: a\n b: b\n c: c\n d: d\n"
# File lib/statsample/codification.rb, line 56 def create_yaml(dataset, vectors, io=nil, sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) pro_hash=create_hash(dataset, vectors, sep) YAML.dump(pro_hash,io) end
# File lib/statsample/codification.rb, line 112 def dictionary(h, sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) h.inject({}) {|a,v| a[v[0]]=v[1].split(sep); a } end
From a excel generates a dictionary hash to use on recode_dataset_simple!() or recode_dataset_split!().
# File lib/statsample/codification.rb, line 87 def excel_to_recoded_hash(filename) require 'spreadsheet' h={} book = filename sheet= book.worksheet 0 row_i=0 sheet.each do |row| row_i+=1 next if row_i==1 or row[0].nil? or row[1].nil? or row[2].nil? h[row[0]]={} if h[row[0]].nil? h[row[0]][row[1]]=row[2] end h end
# File lib/statsample/codification.rb, line 102 def inverse_hash(h, sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) h.inject({}) do |a,v| v[1].split(sep).each do |val| a[val]||=[] a[val].push(v[0]) end a end end
# File lib/statsample/codification.rb, line 127 def recode_dataset_simple!(dataset, dictionary_hash ,sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) _recode_dataset(dataset,dictionary_hash ,sep,false) end
# File lib/statsample/codification.rb, line 130 def recode_dataset_split!(dataset, dictionary_hash, sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) _recode_dataset(dataset, dictionary_hash, sep,true) end
# File lib/statsample/codification.rb, line 116 def recode_vector(v,h,sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) dict=dictionary(h,sep) new_data=v.splitted(sep) new_data.collect do |c| if c.nil? nil else c.collect{|value| dict[value] }.flatten.uniq end end end
# File lib/statsample/codification.rb, line 156 def verify(h, v_names=nil,sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN,io=$>) require 'pp' v_names||=h.keys v_names.each{|v_name| inverse=inverse_hash(h[v_name],sep) io.puts "- Field: #{v_name}" inverse.sort{|a,b| -(a[1].count<=>b[1].count)}.each {|k,v| io.puts " - \"#{k}\" (#{v.count}) :\n -'"+v.join("\n -'")+"'" } } end