class Statsample::Factor::PCA
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of a covariance or correlation matrix..
NOTE: Sign of second and later eigenvalues could be different using Ruby or GSL, so values for PCs and component matrix should differ, because extendmatrix and gsl's methods to calculate eigenvectors are different. Using R is worse, cause first eigenvector could have negative values! For Principal Axis Analysis, use Statsample::Factor::PrincipalAxis
Usage:¶ ↑
require 'statsample' a=[2.5, 0.5, 2.2, 1.9, 3.1, 2.3, 2.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.1].to_scale b=[2.4,0.7,2.9,2.2,3.0,2.7,1.6,1.1,1.6,0.9].to_scale ds={'a'=>a,'b'=>b}.to_dataset cor_matrix=Statsample::Bivariate.correlation_matrix(ds) pca.m => 1 pca.eigenvalues => [1.92592927269225, 0.0740707273077545] pca.component_matrix => GSL::Matrix [ 9.813e-01 9.813e-01 ] pca.communalities => [0.962964636346122, 0.962964636346122]
References:¶ ↑
SPSS Manual
Smith, L. (2002). A tutorial on Principal Component Analysis. Available on
Härdle, W. & Simar, L. (2003). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Springer
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of a covariance or correlation matrix..
NOTE: Sign of second and later eigenvalues could be different using Ruby or GSL, so values for PCs and component matrix should differ, because extendmatrix and gsl's methods to calculate eigenvectors are different. Using R is worse, cause first eigenvector could have negative values! For Principal Axis Analysis, use Statsample::Factor::PrincipalAxis
Usage:¶ ↑
require 'statsample' a=[2.5, 0.5, 2.2, 1.9, 3.1, 2.3, 2.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.1].to_scale b=[2.4,0.7,2.9,2.2,3.0,2.7,1.6,1.1,1.6,0.9].to_scale ds={'a'=>a,'b'=>b}.to_dataset cor_matrix=Statsample::Bivariate.correlation_matrix(ds) pca.m => 1 pca.eigenvalues => [1.92592927269225, 0.0740707273077545] pca.component_matrix => GSL::Matrix [ 9.813e-01 9.813e-01 ] pca.communalities => [0.962964636346122, 0.962964636346122]
References:¶ ↑
SPSS Manual
Smith, L. (2002). A tutorial on Principal Component Analysis. Available on
Härdle, W. & Simar, L. (2003). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Springer
Number of factors. Set by default to the number of factors with eigen values > 1
Name of analysis
Type of rotation. By default, Statsample::Factor::Rotation::Varimax
Add to the summary a parallel analysis report
Add to the summary a rotation report
Use GSL if available
Public Class Methods
# File lib/statsample/factor/pca.rb, line 53 def initialize(matrix, @use_gsl=nil @name=_("Principal Component Analysis") @matrix=matrix @n_variables=@matrix.column_size @variables_names=(@matrix.respond_to? :fields) ? @matrix.fields : {|i| _("VAR_%d") % (i+1)} @matrix_type = @matrix.respond_to?(:_type) ? @matrix._type : :correlation @m=nil @rotation_type=Statsample::Factor::Varimax opts.each{|k,v| self.send("#{k}=",v) if self.respond_to? k } if @use_gsl.nil? @use_gsl=Statsample.has_gsl? end if @matrix.respond_to? :fields @variables_names=@matrix.fields else {|i| "V#{i+1}"} end calculate_eigenpairs if @m.nil? # Set number of factors with eigenvalues > 1 @m=@eigenpairs.find_all {|ev,ec| ev>=1.0}.size end end
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/statsample/factor/pca.rb, line 185 def communalities(m=nil) m||=@m h=[] @n_variables.times do |i| sum=0 m.times do |j| sum+=(@eigenpairs[j][0].abs*@eigenpairs[j][1][i]**2) end h.push(sum) end h end
# File lib/statsample/factor/pca.rb, line 142 def component_matrix(m=nil) var="component_matrix_#{matrix_type}" send(var,m) end
Matrix with correlations between components and variables
# File lib/statsample/factor/pca.rb, line 167 def component_matrix_correlation(m=nil) m||=@m raise "m should be > 0" if m<1, m) {0} gammas=[] m.times {|i| omega_m.column=i, @eigenpairs[i][1] gammas.push(Math::sqrt(@eigenpairs[i][0])) } gamma_m=::Matrix.diagonal(*gammas) cm=(omega_m*(gamma_m)).to_matrix cm.extend CovariateMatrix"Component matrix") cm.fields_x = @variables_names cm.fields_y = {|i| "PC_%d" % (i+1)} cm end
Matrix with correlations between components and variables. Based on Härdle & Simar (2003, p.243)
# File lib/statsample/factor/pca.rb, line 148 def component_matrix_covariance(m=nil) m||=@m raise "m should be > 0" if m<1 ff=feature_matrix(m), m) {0} @n_variables.times {|i| m.times {|j| cm[i,j]=ff[i,j] * Math.sqrt(eigenvalues[j] / @matrix[i,i]) } } cm.extend NamedMatrix"Component matrix (from covariance)") cm.fields_x = @variables_names cm.fields_y = {|i| "PC_%d" % (i+1)} cm end
Array with eigenvalues
# File lib/statsample/factor/pca.rb, line 199 def eigenvalues @eigenpairs.collect {|c| c[0] } end
# File lib/statsample/factor/pca.rb, line 202 def eigenvectors @eigenpairs.collect {|c| @use_gsl ? c[1].to_gsl : c[1].to_vector } end
Feature matrix for m
factors Returns m
eigenvectors as columns. So, i=variable, j=component
# File lib/statsample/factor/pca.rb, line 103 def feature_matrix(m=nil) m||=@m if @use_gsl omega_m=GSL::Matrix.zeros(@n_variables,m) ev=eigenvectors m.times do |i| omega_m.set_column(i,ev[i]) end omega_m else, m) {0} m.times do |i| omega_m.column= i, @eigenpairs[i][1] end omega_m end end
Returns Principal Components for input
matrix or dataset The
number of PC to return is equal to parameter m
. If
isn't set, m set to number of PCs selected at object
creation. Use covariance matrix
# File lib/statsample/factor/pca.rb, line 125 def principal_components(input, m=nil) if @use_gsl data_matrix=input.to_gsl else data_matrix=input.to_matrix end m||=@m raise "data matrix variables<>pca variables" if data_matrix.column_size!=@n_variables fv=feature_matrix(m) pcs=(fv.transpose*data_matrix.transpose).transpose pcs.extend Statsample::NamedMatrix {|i| "PC_%d" % (i+1)} pcs.to_dataset end
# File lib/statsample/factor/pca.rb, line 85 def rotation end
# File lib/statsample/factor/pca.rb, line 88 def total_eigenvalues eigenvalues.inject(0) {|ac,v| ac+v} end