class Statsample::Histogram
A histogram consists of a set of bins which count the number of events falling into a given range of a continuous variable x.
This implementations follows convention of GSL for specification.
* Verbatim: * The range for bin[i] is given by range[i] to range[i+1]. For n bins there are n+1 entries in the array range. Each bin is inclusive at the lower end and exclusive at the upper end. Mathematically this means that the bins are defined by the following inequality, bin[i] corresponds to range[i] <= x < range[i+1] Here is a diagram of the correspondence between ranges and bins on the number-line for x, [ bin[0] )[ bin[1] )[ bin[2] )[ bin[3] )[ bin[4] ) ---|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|--- x r[0] r[1] r[2] r[3] r[4] r[5] In this picture the values of the range array are denoted by r. On the left-hand side of each bin the square bracket ‘[’ denotes an inclusive lower bound ( r <= x), and the round parentheses ‘)’ on the right-hand side denote an exclusive upper bound (x < r). Thus any samples which fall on the upper end of the histogram are excluded. If you want to include this value for the last bin you will need to add an extra bin to your histogram.
Reference:¶ ↑
A histogram consists of a set of bins which count the number of events falling into a given range of a continuous variable x.
This implementations follows convention of GSL for specification.
* Verbatim: * The range for bin[i] is given by range[i] to range[i+1]. For n bins there are n+1 entries in the array range. Each bin is inclusive at the lower end and exclusive at the upper end. Mathematically this means that the bins are defined by the following inequality, bin[i] corresponds to range[i] <= x < range[i+1] Here is a diagram of the correspondence between ranges and bins on the number-line for x, [ bin[0] )[ bin[1] )[ bin[2] )[ bin[3] )[ bin[4] ) ---|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|--- x r[0] r[1] r[2] r[3] r[4] r[5] In this picture the values of the range array are denoted by r. On the left-hand side of each bin the square bracket ‘[’ denotes an inclusive lower bound ( r <= x), and the round parentheses ‘)’ on the right-hand side denote an exclusive upper bound (x < r). Thus any samples which fall on the upper end of the histogram are excluded. If you want to include this value for the last bin you will need to add an extra bin to your histogram.
Reference:¶ ↑
Public Class Methods
new(p1, min_max=false,
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 67 def initialize(p1, min_max=false, if p1.is_a? Array range=p1 @n_bins=p1.size-1 elsif p1.is_a? Integer @n_bins=p1 end @bin=[0.0]*(@n_bins) if(min_max) min, max=min_max[0], min_max[1] (@n_bins+1).times {|i| range[i]=min+(i*(max-min).quo(@n_bins)) } end range||=[0.0]*(@n_bins+1) set_ranges(range) @name="" opts.each{|k,v| self.send("#{k}=",v) if self.respond_to? k } end
Public Instance Methods
alloc(n_bins, range=nil,
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Alloc n_bins
, using range
as ranges of bins
# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 44 def alloc(n_bins, range=nil,, range, opts) end
alloc_uniform(n_bins, p1=nil,p2=nil)
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Alloc n_bins
bins, using p1
as minimum and
as maximum
# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 50 def alloc_uniform(n_bins, p1=nil,p2=nil) if p1.is_a? Array min,max=p1 else min,max=p1,p2 end range=max - min step=range / n_bins.to_f range=(n_bins+1) {|i| min + (step*i)} end
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Number of bins
# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 90 def bins @n_bins end
each() { |arg| ... }
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 125 def each bins.times.each do |i| r=get_range(i) arg={:i=>i, :low=>r[0],:high=>r[1], :middle=>(r[0]+r[1]) / 2.0, :value=>@bin[i]} yield arg end end
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 144 def estimated_mean sum,n=0,0 each do |v| sum+= v[:value]* v[:middle] n+=v[:value] end sum / n end
Also aliased as: mean, mean
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 141 def estimated_standard_deviation Math::sqrt(estimated_variance) end
Also aliased as: sigma, sigma
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 132 def estimated_variance sum,n=0,0 mean=estimated_mean each do |v| sum+=v[:value]*(v[:middle]-mean)**2 n+=v[:value] end sum / (n-1) end
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 110 def get_range(i) [@range[i],@range[i+1]] end
increment(x, w=1)
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 94 def increment(x, w=1) if x.respond_to? :each x.each{|y| increment(y,w) } elsif x.is_a? Numeric (range.size-1).times do |i| if x>=range[i] and x<range[i+1] @bin[i]+=w break end end end end
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 113 def max @range.last end
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 119 def max_val @bin.max end
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 116 def min @range.first end
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 122 def min_val @bin.min end
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 160 def report_building(generator) generator.parse_element(hg) end
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 164 def report_building_text(generator) @range.each_with_index do |r,i| next if i==@bin.size generator.text(sprintf("%5.2f : %d", r, @bin[i])) end end
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 106 def set_ranges(range) raise "Range size should be bin+1" if range.size!=@bin.size+1 @range=range end
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# File lib/statsample/histogram.rb, line 155 def sum(start=nil,_end=nil) start||=0 _end||=@n_bins-1 (start.._end).inject(0) {|ac,i| ac+@bin[i]} end