class Statsample::Multiset
Multiset joins multiple dataset with the same fields and vectors but with different number of cases. This is the base class for stratified and cluster sampling estimation
Multiset joins multiple dataset with the same fields and vectors but with different number of cases. This is the base class for stratified and cluster sampling estimation
Array with Statsample::Dataset
Name of fields
Public Class Methods
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To create a multiset
::new(%w{f1 f2 f3}) # define only fields
# File lib/statsample/multiset.rb, line 12 def initialize(fields) @fields=fields @datasets={} end
click to toggle source
# File lib/statsample/multiset.rb, line 16 def self.new_empty_vectors(fields,ds_names) ds_names.each{|d| ms.add_dataset(d, } ms end
Public Instance Methods
click to toggle source
# File lib/statsample/multiset.rb, line 85 def[](i) @datasets[i] end
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# File lib/statsample/multiset.rb, line 59 def add_dataset(key,ds) if(ds.fields!=@fields) raise ArgumentError, "Dataset(#{ds.fields.to_s})must have the same fields of the Multiset(#{@fields})" else @datasets[key]=ds end end
collect_vector(field) { |k, v| ... }
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# File lib/statsample/multiset.rb, line 74 def collect_vector(field) @datasets.collect {|k,v| yield k, v[field] } end
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# File lib/statsample/multiset.rb, line 53 def datasets_names @datasets.keys.sort end
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# File lib/statsample/multiset.rb, line 88 def each(&block) @datasets.each {|k,ds| next if ds.cases==0,ds) } end
each_vector(field) { |k, v| ... }
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# File lib/statsample/multiset.rb, line 80 def each_vector(field) @datasets.each {|k,v| yield k, v[field] } end
click to toggle source
# File lib/statsample/multiset.rb, line 56 def n_datasets @datasets.size end
sum_field(field) { |stratum_name,vector| ... }
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# File lib/statsample/multiset.rb, line 66 def sum_field(field) @datasets.inject(0) {|a,da| stratum_name=da[0] vector=da[1][field] val=yield stratum_name,vector a+val } end
union() { |k,ds| ... }
click to toggle source
Generate a new dataset as a union of partial dataset If block given, this is applied to each dataset before union
# File lib/statsample/multiset.rb, line 25 def union(&block) union_field={} types={} names={} labels={} each do |k,ds| if block ds=ds.dup yield k,ds end @fields.each do |f| union_field[f]|| union_field[f].concat(ds[f].data) types[f]||=ds[f].type names[f]||=ds[f].name labels[f]||=ds[f].labels end end @fields.each do |f| union_field[f]=union_field[f].to_vector(types[f]) union_field[f].name=names[f] union_field[f].labels=labels[f] end ds_union=union_field.to_dataset ds_union.fields=@fields ds_union end