class Statsample::Dataset
Set of cases with values for one or more variables, analog to a dataframe
on R or a standard data file of SPSS. Every vector
has #field
name, which represent it. By default, the vectors
are ordered by it field name, but you can change it the fields order
manually. The Dataset work as a Hash, with keys
are field names and values are Statsample::Vector
Usage¶ ↑
Create a empty dataset:
Create a dataset with three empty vectors, called v1
and v3
:{v1 v2 v3})
Create a dataset with two vectors, called v1
:{'v1'=>%w{1 2 3}.to_vector, 'v2'=>%w{4 5 6}.to_vector})
Create a dataset with two given vectors (v1 and v2), with vectors on inverted order:{'v2'=>v2,'v1'=>v1},['v2','v1'])
The fast way to create a dataset uses Hash#to_dataset, with field order as arguments
v1 = [1,2,3].to_scale v2 = [1,2,3].to_scale ds = {'v1'=>v2, 'v2'=>v2}.to_dataset(%w{v2 v1})
Number of cases
Ordered ids of vectors
Location of pointer on enumerations methods (like each)
Name of dataset
Public Class Methods
Generates a new dataset, using three vectors
For example, you have these values
x y v a a 0 a b 1 b a 1 b b 0
You obtain
id a b a 0 1 b 1 0
Useful to process outputs from databases
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 92 def self.crosstab_by_asignation(rows,columns,values) raise "Three vectors should be equal size" if rows.size!=columns.size or rows.size!=values.size cols_values=columns.factors cols_n=cols_values.size h_rows=rows.factors.inject({}){|a,v| a[v]=cols_values.inject({}){ |a1,v1| a1[v1]=nil; a1 } ;a} values.each_index{|i| h_rows[rows[i]][columns[i]]=values[i] }["_id"]+cols_values) cols_values.each{|c| ds[c].type=values.type } rows.factors.each {|row| n_row[0]=row cols_values.each_index {|i| n_row[i+1]=h_rows[row][cols_values[i]] } ds.add_case_array(n_row) } ds.update_valid_data ds end
Creates a new dataset. A dataset is a set of ordered named vectors of the same size.
- vectors
With an array, creates a set of empty vectors named as
values on the array. With a hash, each Vector is assigned as a variable of the Dataset named as its key
- fields
Array of names for vectors. Is only used for set the
order of variables. If empty, vectors keys on alfabethic order as used as fields.
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 158 def initialize(vectors={}, fields=[]) @@n_dataset||=0 @@n_dataset+=1 @name=_("Dataset %d") % @@n_dataset @cases=0 @gsl=nil @i=nil if vectors.instance_of? Array @fields=vectors.dup @vectors=vectors.inject({}){|a,x| a[x]; a} else # Check vectors @vectors=vectors @fields=fields check_order check_length end end
Public Instance Methods
We have the same datasets if vectors
and fields
are the same
@return {Boolean}
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 370 def ==(d2) @vectors==d2.vectors and @fields==d2.fields end
Returns the vector named i
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 670 def[](i) if i.is_a? Range fields=from_to(i.begin,i.end) clone(*fields) elsif i.is_a? Array clone(i) else raise Exception,"Vector '#{i}' doesn't exists on dataset" unless @vectors.has_key?(i) @vectors[i] end end
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 709 def[]=(i,v) if v.instance_of? Statsample::Vector @vectors[i]=v check_order else raise ArgumentError,"Should pass a Statsample::Vector" end end
Insert a case, using:
Array: size equal to number of vectors and values in the same order as fields
Hash: keys equal to fields
If uvd is false, update_valid_data is not executed after inserting a case. This is very useful if you want to increase the performance on inserting many cases, because update_valid_data performs check on vectors and on the dataset
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 424 def add_case(v,uvd=true) case v when Array if (v[0].is_a? Array) v.each{|subv| add_case(subv,false)} else raise ArgumentError, "Input array size (#{v.size}) should be equal to fields number (#{@fields.size})" if @fields.size!=v.size v.each_index {|i| @vectors[@fields[i]].add(v[i],false)} end when Hash raise ArgumentError, "Hash keys should be equal to fields #{(v.keys - @fields).join(",")}" if @fields.sort!=v.keys.sort @fields.each{|f| @vectors[f].add(v[f],false)} else raise TypeError, 'Value must be a Array or a Hash' end if uvd update_valid_data end end
Fast version of add_case. Can only add one case and no error check if performed You SHOULD use update_valid_data at the end of insertion cycle
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 413 def add_case_array(v) v.each_index {|i| d=@vectors[@fields[i]].data; d.push(v[i])} end
Equal to Dataset=vector
@return self
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 383 def add_vector(name, vector) raise ArgumentError, "Vector have different size" if vector.size!=@cases @vectors[name]=vector check_order self end
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 473 def add_vectors_by_split(name,join='-',sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) split=@vectors[name].split_by_separator(sep) split.each{|k,v| add_vector(name+join+k,v) } end
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 463 def add_vectors_by_split_recode(name_,join='-',sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) split=@vectors[name_].split_by_separator(sep) i=1 split.each{|k,v| new_field=name_+join+i.to_s":"+k add_vector(new_field,v) i+=1 } end
Creates a dataset with the random data, of a n size If n not given, uses original number of cases.
@return {Statsample::Dataset}
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 399 def bootstrap(n=nil) n||=@cases ds_boot=dup_empty n.times do ds_boot.add_case_array(case_as_array(rand(n))) end ds_boot.update_valid_data ds_boot end
Retrieves case i as a array, ordered on fields order
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 591 def case_as_array(i) _case_as_array(i) end
Retrieves case i as a hash
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 580 def case_as_hash(i) _case_as_hash(i) end
Check if fields attribute is correct, after inserting or deleting vectors
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 502 def check_fields(fields) fields||=@fields raise "Fields #{(fields-@fields).join(", ")} doesn't exists on dataset" if (fields-@fields).size>0 fields end
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 728 def clear_gsl @gsl=nil end
Returns a shallow copy of Dataset. Object id will be distinct, but @vectors will be the same. @param array of fields to include. No value include all fields @return {Statsample::Dataset}
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 257 def clone(*fields_to_include) if fields_to_include.size==1 and fields_to_include[0].is_a? Array fields_to_include=fields_to_include[0] end fields_to_include=@fields.dup if fields_to_include.size==0 fields_to_include.each{|f| raise "Vector #{f} doesn't exists" unless @vectors.has_key? f ds[f]=@vectors[f] } ds.fields=fields_to_include ds.update_valid_data ds end
Returns (when possible) a cheap copy of dataset. If no vector have missing values, returns original vectors. If missing values presents, uses #dup_only_valid.
@param array of fields to include. No value include all fields @return {Statsample::Dataset}
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 242 def clone_only_valid(*fields_to_include) if fields_to_include.size==1 and fields_to_include[0].is_a? Array fields_to_include=fields_to_include[0] end fields_to_include=@fields.dup if fields_to_include.size==0 if fields_to_include.any? {|v| @vectors[v].has_missing_data?} dup_only_valid(fields_to_include) else clone(fields_to_include) end end
Returns vector c
@return {Statsample::Vector}
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 376 def col(c) @vectors[c] end
Retrieves a Statsample::Vector, based on the result of calculation performed on each case.
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 683 def collect(type=:scale) data=[] each {|row| data.push yield(row) },type) end
Generate a matrix, based on fields of dataset
@return {::Matrix}
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 358 def collect_matrix rows=@fields.collect{|row| @fields.collect{|col| yield row,col } } Matrix.rows(rows) end
Same as Statsample::Vector.collect, but giving case index as second parameter on yield.
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 691 def collect_with_index(type=:scale) data=[] each_with_index {|row, i| data.push(yield(row, i)) },type) end
Returns a vector, based on a string with a calculation based on vector The calculation will be eval'ed, so you can put any variable or expression valid on ruby For example:
a=[1,2].to_vector(scale) b=[3,4].to_vector(scale) ds={'a'=>a,'b'=>b}.to_dataset ds.compute("a+b") => Vector [4,6]
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 869 def compute(text) @fields.each{|f| if @vectors[f].type=:scale text.gsub!(f,"row['#{f}'].to_f") else text.gsub!(f,"row['#{f}']") end } collect_with_index {|row, i| invalid=false @fields.each{|f| if @vectors[f].data_with_nils[i].nil? invalid=true end } if invalid nil else eval(text) end } end
Return a correlation matrix for fields included as parameters. By default, uses all fields of dataset
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 749 def correlation_matrix(fields=nil) if fields ds=clone(fields) else ds=self end Statsample::Bivariate.correlation_matrix(ds) end
Return a correlation matrix for fields included as parameters. By default, uses all fields of dataset
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 759 def covariance_matrix(fields=nil) if fields ds=clone(fields) else ds=self end Statsample::Bivariate.covariance_matrix(ds) end
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 706 def crosstab(v1,v2,opts={})[v1], @vectors[v2],opts) end
Delete vector named name
. Multiple fields accepted.
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 451 def delete_vector(*args) if args.size==1 and args[0].is_a? Array names=args[0] else names=args end names.each do |name| @fields.delete(name) @vectors.delete(name) end end
Returns a duplicate of the Dataset. All vectors are copied, so any modification on new dataset doesn't affect original dataset's vectors. If fields given as parameter, only include those vectors.
@param array of fields to include. No value include all fields
@return {Statsample::Dataset}
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 211 def dup(*fields_to_include) if fields_to_include.size==1 and fields_to_include[0].is_a? Array fields_to_include=fields_to_include[0] end fields_to_include=@fields if fields_to_include.size==0 vectors={} fields=[] fields_to_include.each{|f| raise "Vector #{f} doesn't exists" unless @vectors.has_key? f vectors[f]=@vectors[f].dup fields.push(f) },fields) ds end
Creates a copy of the given dataset, without data on vectors
@return {Statsample::Dataset}
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 275 def dup_empty vectors=@vectors.inject({}) {|a,v| a[v[0]]=v[1].dup_empty a },@fields.dup) end
Creates a copy of the given dataset, deleting all the cases with missing data on one of the vectors.
@param array of fields to include. No value include all fields
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 183 def dup_only_valid(*fields_to_include) if fields_to_include.size==1 and fields_to_include[0].is_a? Array fields_to_include=fields_to_include[0] end fields_to_include=@fields if fields_to_include.size==0 if fields_to_include.any? {|f| @vectors[f].has_missing_data?} fields_to_include.each {|f| ds[f].type=@vectors[f].type} each {|row| unless fields_to_include.any? {|f| @vectors[f].has_missing_data? and !@vectors[f].is_valid? row[f]} row_2=fields_to_include.inject({}) {|ac,v| ac[v]=row[v]; ac} ds.add_case(row_2) end } else ds=dup fields_to_include end ds end
Returns each case as a hash
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 603 def each begin @i=0 @cases.times {|i| @i=i row=case_as_hash(i) yield row } @i=nil rescue =>e raise, e) end end
Returns each case as an array
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 647 def each_array @cases.times {|i| @i=i row=case_as_array(i) yield row } @i=nil end
Returns each case as an array, coding missing values as nils
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 633 def each_array_with_nils m=fields.size @cases.times {|i| @i=i fields.each_index{|j| f=fields[j] row[j]=@vectors[f].data_with_nils[i] } yield row } @i=nil end
Retrieves each vector as [key, vector]
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 570 def each_vector # :yield: |key, vector| @fields.each{|k| yield k, @vectors[k]} end
Returns each case as hash and index
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 618 def each_with_index # :yield: |case, i| begin @i=0 @cases.times{|i| @i=i row=case_as_hash(i) yield row, i } @i=nil rescue =>e raise, e) end end
Set fields order. If you omit one or more vectors, they are ordered by alphabetic order.
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 657 def fields=(f) @fields=f check_order end
Create a new dataset with all cases which the block returns true
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 769 def filter ds=self.dup_empty each {|c| ds.add_case(c, false) if yield c } ds.update_valid_data"%s(filtered)") % @name ds end
creates a new vector with the data of a given field which the block returns true
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 780 def filter_field(field) a=[] each do |c| a.push(c[field]) if yield c end a.to_vector(@vectors[field].type) end
Returns an array with the fields from first argumen to last argument
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 230 def from_to(from,to) raise ArgumentError, "Field #{from} should be on dataset" if !@fields.include? from raise ArgumentError, "Field #{to} should be on dataset" if !@fields.include? to @fields.slice(@fields.index(from)..@fields.index(to)) end
Return true if any vector has missing data
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 119 def has_missing_data? @vectors.any? {|k,v| v.has_missing_data?} end
Returns true if dataset have vector v
@return {Boolean}
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 392 def has_vector? (v) return @vectors.has_key?(v) end
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 921 def inspect self.to_s end
Join 2 Datasets by given fields type is one of :left and :inner, default is :left
@return {Statsample::Dataset}
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 308 def join(other_ds,fields_1=[],fields_2=[],type=:left) fields_new = other_ds.fields - fields_2 fields = self.fields + fields_new other_ds_hash = {} other_ds.each do |row| key ={|k,v| fields_2.include?(k)}.values value ={|k,v| fields_new.include?(k)} if other_ds_hash[key].nil? other_ds_hash[key] = [value] else other_ds_hash[key] << value end end new_ds = self.each do |row| key ={|k,v| fields_1.include?(k)}.values new_case = row.dup if other_ds_hash[key].nil? if type == :left fields_new.each{|field| new_case[field] = nil} new_ds.add_case(new_case) end else other_ds_hash[key].each do |new_values| new_ds.add_case new_case.merge(new_values) end end end new_ds end
Merge vectors from two datasets In case of name collition, the vectors names are changed to x_1, x_2 .…
@return {Statsample::Dataset}
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 287 def merge(other_ds) raise "Cases should be equal (this:#{@cases}; other:#{other_ds.cases}" unless @cases==other_ds.cases types = @fields.collect{|f| @vectors[f].type} + other_ds.fields.collect{|f| other_ds[f].type} new_fields = (@fields+other_ds.fields).recode_repeated new_fields.each_index{|i| field=new_fields[i] ds_new[field].type=types[i] } @cases.times {|i| row=case_as_array(i)+other_ds.case_as_array(i) ds_new.add_case_array(row) } ds_new.update_valid_data ds_new end
Return a nested hash using fields as keys and an array constructed of
hashes with other values. If block provided, is used to provide the
values, with parameters row
of dataset, current
last hash on hierarchy and name
of the key to include
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 128 def nest(*tree_keys,&block) tree_keys=tree_keys[0] if tree_keys[0].is_a? Array each do |row| current=out # Create tree tree_keys[0,tree_keys.size-1].each do |f| root=row[f] current[root]|| current=current[root] end name=row[tree_keys.last] if !block current[name]|| current[name].push(row.delete_if{|key,value| tree_keys.include? key}) else current[name], current,name) end end out end
Creates a new dataset for one to many relations on a dataset, based on pattern of field names.
for example, you have a survey for number of children with this structure:
id, name, child_name_1, child_age_1, child_name_2, child_age_2
ds.one_to_many(%w{id}, "child_%v_%n"
the field of first parameters will be copied verbatim to new dataset, and fields which responds to second pattern will be added one case for each different %n. For example
cases=[ ['1','george','red',10,'blue',20,nil,nil], ['2','fred','green',15,'orange',30,'white',20], ['3','alfred',nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil] ]{id name car_color1 car_value1 car_color2 car_value2 car_color3 car_value3}) cases.each {|c| ds.add_case_array c } ds.one_to_many(['id'],'car_%v%n').to_matrix => Matrix[ ["red", "1", 10], ["blue", "1", 20], ["green", "2", 15], ["orange", "2", 30], ["white", "2", 20] ]
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 952 def one_to_many(parent_fields, pattern) #base_pattern=pattern.gsub(/%v|%n/,"") pattern.gsub("%v","(.+?)").gsub("%n","(\\d+?)") ds_vars=parent_fields vars=[] max_n=0 h=parent_fields.inject({}) {|a,v| a[v][], @vectors[v].type);a } # Adding _row_id h['_col_id']=[].to_scale ds_vars.push("_col_id") @fields.each do |f| if f=~re if !vars.include? $1 vars.push($1) h[$1][], @vectors[f].type) end max_n=$2.to_i if max_n < $2.to_i end end,ds_vars+vars) each do |row| row_out={} parent_fields.each do |f| row_out[f]=row[f] end max_n.times do |n1| n=n1+1 any_data=false vars.each do |v| data=row[pattern.gsub("%v",v.to_s).gsub("%n",n.to_s)] row_out[v]=data any_data=true if !data.nil? end if any_data row_out["_col_id"]=n ds.add_case(row_out,false) end end end ds.update_valid_data ds end
Recode a vector based on a block
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 699 def recode!(vector_name) 0.upto(@cases-1) {|i| @vectors[vector_name].data[i]=yield case_as_hash(i) } @vectors[vector_name].set_valid_data end
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 995 def report_building(b) b.section(:name=>@name) do |g| g.text _"Cases: %d" % cases @fields.each do |f| g.text "Element:[#{f}]" g.parse_element(@vectors[f]) end end end
Returns a dataset with standarized data.
@return {Statsample::Dataset}
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 347 def standarize ds=dup() ds.fields.each do |f| ds[f]=ds[f].vector_standarized end ds end
# File lib/statsample/rserve_extension.rb, line 11 def to_REXP names=@fields {|f| Rserve::REXP::Wrapper.wrap(@vectors[f].data_with_nils) },names) Rserve::REXP.create_data_frame(l) end
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 732 def to_gsl if @gsl.nil? if cases.nil? update_valid_data end @gsl=GSL::Matrix.alloc(cases,fields.size) self.each_array{|c| @gsl.set_row(@i,c) } end @gsl end
Return data as a matrix. Column are ordered by fields and rows by orden of insertion
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 719 def to_matrix rows=[] self.each_array{|c| rows.push(c) } Matrix.rows(rows) end
Creates a Stastample::Multiset, using one or more fields to split the dataset.
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 792 def to_multiset_by_split(*fields) require 'statsample/multiset' if fields.size==1 to_multiset_by_split_one_field(fields[0]) else to_multiset_by_split_multiple_fields(*fields) end end
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 823 def to_multiset_by_split_multiple_fields(*fields) factors_total=nil fields.each do |f| if factors_total.nil? factors_total=@vectors[f].factors.collect{|c| [c] } else suma=[] factors=@vectors[f].factors factors_total.each{|f1| factors.each{|f2| suma.push(f1+[f2]) } } factors_total=suma end end ms=Multiset.new_empty_vectors(@fields,factors_total) p1=eval " {|c| ms[["+fields.collect{|f| "c['#{f}']"}.join(",")+"]].add_case(c,false) }" each{|c|} ms.datasets.each do |k,ds| ds.update_valid_data {|i| f=fields[i] sk=k[i] @vectors[f].labeling(sk) }.join("-") ds.vectors.each{|k1,v1| v1.type=@vectors[k1].type[k1].name v1.labels=@vectors[k1].labels } end ms end
Creates a Statsample::Multiset, using one field
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 802 def to_multiset_by_split_one_field(field) raise ArgumentError,"Should use a correct field name" if !@fields.include? field factors=@vectors[field].factors ms=Multiset.new_empty_vectors(@fields, factors) each {|c| ms[c[field]].add_case(c,false) } #puts "Ingreso a los dataset" ms.datasets.each {|k,ds| ds.update_valid_data[field].labeling(k) ds.vectors.each{|k1,v1| # puts "Vector #{k1}:"+v1.to_s v1.type=@vectors[k1].type[k1].name v1.labels=@vectors[k1].labels } } ms end
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 918 def to_s "#<"+self.class.to_s+":"+self.object_id.to_s+" @name=#{@name} @fields=["+@fields.join(",")+"] cases="+@vectors[@fields[0]].size.to_s end
Check vectors and fields after inserting data. Use only after add_case_array or add_case with second parameter to false
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 445 def update_valid_data @gsl=nil @fields.each{|f| @vectors[f].set_valid_data} check_length end
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 480 def vector_by_calculation(type=:scale) a=[] each do |row| a.push(yield(row)) end a.to_vector(type) end
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 517 def vector_count_characters(fields=nil) fields=check_fields(fields) collect_with_index do |row, i| fields.inject(0){|a,v| a+((@vectors[v].data_with_nils[i].nil?) ? 0: row[v].to_s.size) } end end
Returns a vector with the mean for a set of fields if fields parameter is empty, return the mean for all fields if max invalid parameter > 0, returns the mean for all tuples with 0 to max_invalid invalid fields
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 529 def vector_mean(fields=nil, max_invalid=0) a=[] fields=check_fields(fields) size=fields.size each_with_index do |row, i | # numero de invalidos sum=0 invalids=0 fields.each{|f| if !@vectors[f].data_with_nils[i].nil? sum+=row[f].to_f else invalids+=1 end } if(invalids>max_invalid) a.push(nil) else a.push(sum.quo(size-invalids)) end end a=a.to_vector(:scale)"Means from %s") % @name a end
Returns a vector with the numbers of missing values for a case
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 509 def vector_missing_values(fields=nil) fields=check_fields(fields) collect_with_index do |row, i| fields.inject(0) {|a,v| a+ ((@vectors[v].data_with_nils[i].nil?) ? 1: 0) } end end
Returns a vector with sumatory of fields if fields parameter is empty, sum all fields
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 489 def vector_sum(fields=nil) fields||=@fields vector=collect_with_index do |row, i| if(fields.find{|f| !@vectors[f].data_with_nils[i]}) nil else fields.inject(0) {|ac,v| ac + row[v].to_f} end end"Sum from %s") % @name vector end
Test each row with one or more tests each test is a Proc with the form {|row| row['age']>0}
The function returns an array with all errors
# File pkg/statsample-1.4.0/lib/statsample/dataset.rb, line 895 def verify(*tests) if(tests[0].is_a? String) id=tests[0] tests.shift else id=@fields[0] end vr=[] i=0 each do |row| i+=1 tests.each{|test| if ! test[2].call(row) values="" if test[1].size>0 values=" ("+test[1].collect{|k| "#{k}=#{row[k]}"}.join(", ")+")" end vr.push("#{i} [#{row[id]}]: #{test[0]}#{values}") end } end vr end