1.4.0 / 2014-10-11¶ ↑
* Replaced README.txt for README.md * Replace File.exists? for File.exist? + New Dataset.join to join two dataset based on some fields * Deleted MLE based regression (Probit and logistic). Now all GML methods are on statsample-glm
1.3.1 / 2014-06-26¶ ↑
* Example referred to a SimpleRegression class which doesn't exist. Updated to working example. * Merge pull request #15 from Blahah/patch-1 * Updated Gemfile * Updated README.txt for v1.3.0 * Updated to ruby 2.1.0
1.3.0 / 2013-09-19¶ ↑
* Merge remote-tracking branch 'vpereira/master' into vpereira * New Wilcoxon Signed Rank test * Remove TimeSeries class. Now is available on gem "bio-statsample-timeseries" [GSOC 2013 project :) ] * Update shoulda support * added Bundle depds * improved the csv read method (requires tests) * open svg on mac osx
1.2.0 / 2011-12-15¶ ↑
* Added support for time series (TimeSeries object): MA, EMA, MACD, acf, lag and delta. [Rob Britton] * Changed summary attribute to properly display 'b' value for simple linear regression [hstove] * Merge pull request #6 from hstove/patch-1Changed summary attribute to properly display 'b' value for simple linear regression [Claudio Bustos] * fix example code for CovariateMatrix [James Kebinger]
1.1.0 / 2011-06-02¶ ↑
Jacknife and bootstrap for Vector. Thanks to John Firebaugh for the idea
Improved Statsample::Analysis API
Updated CSV.read. Third argument is a Hash with options to CSV class
Added restriction on Statsample::Excel#read
Updated spanish po
Better summary for Vector
Improving summary of t related test (confidence interval and estimate output)
Replaced c for vector on Statsample::Analysis examples
Added Vector#median_absolute_deviation
First implementation of Kolmogorov Smirnov test. Returns correct D value, but without Kolmogorov distribution isn't very useful.
1.0.1 / 2011-01-28¶ ↑
Updated spanish po.
Update distribution gem dependence. On Ruby 1.8.7, distribution 0.2.0 raises an error.
1.0.0 / 2011-01-27¶ ↑
Added Statsample::Analysis, a beautiful DSL to perform fast statistical analysis using statsample. See directory /examples
Created benchmarks directory
Removed Distribution module from statsample and moved to a gem. Changes on code to reflect new API
Optimized simple regression. Better library detection
New 'should_with_gsl' to test methods with gsl. Refactored Factor::MAP
Almost complete GSL cleanup on Vector
Updated some doc on Vector
Used GSL::Matrix on Factor classes when available
SkillScaleAnalysis doesn't crash with one or more vectors with 0 variance
Modified examples using Statsample::Analysis
Simplified eigen calculations
Updated some examples. Added correlation matrix speed suite
Correlation matrix optimized. Better specs
Optimized correlation matrix. Use gsl matrix algebra or pairwise correlations depending on empiric calculated equations. See benchmarks/correlation_matrix.rb to see implementation of calculation
Moved tests fixtures from data to test/fixtures
Fixed some errors on tests
Bug fix: constant_se on binomial regression have an error
All test should work on ruby 1.9.3
New Vector.[] and Vector.new_scale
Detect linearly dependent predictors on OLS.
0.18.0 / 2011-01-07¶ ↑
New Statsample.load_excel
New Statsample.load_csv
Statsample::Dataset#[] accepts an array of fields and uses clone
New Dataset#correlation_matrix and Statsample::Dataset#covariance_matrix
Statsample::Dataset#filter add labels to vectors
Principal Components generation complete on PCA (covariance matrix prefered)
Added note on Statsample::Factor::PCA about erratic signs on eigenvalues,
Statsample::Factor::PCA#component_matrix calculated different for covariance matrix
Improved summary for PCA using covariance matrix
New attribute :label_angle for Statsample::Graph::Boxplot
Fixed Scatterplots scaling problems
New attributes for Scatterplots: groups, minimum_x, minimum_y, maximum_x,
New Statsample::Multiset#union allows to create a new dataset based on a m
New Statsample::Multiset#each to traverse through datasets
Bug fix: Vector#standarized and Vector#percentile crash on nil data
Bug fix: Vector#mean and Vector#sd crash on data without valid values
Modified methods names on Statsample::Factor::PCA : feature_vector to feature_matrix, data_transformation to principal_components
Factor::MAP.with_dataset() implemented
Bug fix: Factor::MAP with correlation matrix with non-real eigenvalues crashes * Added documentation for Graph::Histogram
Added MPA to Reliability::MultiScaleAnalysis
Added custom names for returned vectors and datasets
Updated spanish traslation
Graph::Histogram updated. Custom x and y max and min, optional normal distribution drawing
Updated Histogram class, with several new methods compatibles with GSL::Histogram
0.17.0 / 2010-12-09¶ ↑
Added Statsample::Graph::Histogram and Statsample::Graph::Boxplot
Added Statsample::Reliability::SkillScaleAnalysis for analysis of skill based scales.
Delete combination and permutation clases. Backport for ruby 1.8.7 widely available
Deleted unused variables (thanks, ruby-head)
0.16.0 / 2010-11-13¶ ↑
Works on ruby 1.9.2 and HEAD. Updated Rakefile and manifest
Removed all graph based on Svg::Graph.
First operative version of Graph with Rubyvis
Corrected bug on Distribution::Normal.cdf.
Added reference on references.txt
Ruby-based random gaussian distribution generator when gsl not available
Added population average deviation [Al Chou]
0.15.1 / 2010-10-20¶ ↑
Statsample::Excel and Statsample::PlainText add name to vectors equal to field name
Statsample::Dataset#delete_vector accept multiple fields.
Statsample::Dataset#dup_only_valid allows duplication of specific fields
ScaleAnalysis doesn't crash on one-item scales
Updated references
0.15.0 / 2010-09-07¶ ↑
Added class Statsample::Reliability::ICC for calculation of Intra-class correlation (Shrout & Fleiss, 1979; McGraw & Wong, 1996). Tested with SPSS and R values.
References: Updated and standarized references on many classes. Added grab_references.rb script, to create a list of references for library
Added Spearman-Brown prophecy on Reliability module
Distribution::F uses Gsl when available
Added mean r.p.b. and item sd on Scale Analysis
Corrected bug on Vector.ary_method and example of Anova Two Way using vector.
0.14.1 / 2010-08-18¶ ↑
Added extra information on $DEBUG=true.
Changed ParallelAnalysis: with_random_data parameters, bootstrap_method options are data and random, resolve bug related to number of factors to preserve, resolved bug related to original eigenvalues, can support failed bootstrap of data for Tetrachoric correlation.
Optimized eigenpairs on Matrix when GSL is available.
Added test for parallel analysis using data bootstraping
Updated .pot and Manifest.txt
Added test for kmo(global and univariate), bartlett and anti-image. Kmo and Bartlett have test based on Dziuban and Shirkey with correct results
Complete set of test to test if a correlation matrix is appropriate for factor analysis: test of sphericity, KMO and anti-image (see Dziuban and Shirkey, 1974)
Updated Parallel Analysis to work on Principal Axis Analysis based on O'Connors formulae
Added reference for Statsample::Factor::MAP
0.14.0 / 2010-08-16¶ ↑
Added Statsample::Factor::MAP, to execute Velicer's (1976) MAP to determine the number of factors to retain on EFA
Bug fix on test suite on Ruby 1.8.7
Horn's Parallel Analysis operational and tested for pure random data
Fixed bug on Excel writer on Ruby1.9 (frozen string on header raises an error).
Extra information on Factorial Analysis on summaries
Fixed bug on Factor::Rotation when used ::Matrix without field method.
Added Vector#vector_percentil method
Summaries for PCA, Rotation, MultiScale and ScaleAnalysis created or improved.
Factor::PCA could have rotation and parallel analysis on summary.
Cronbach's alpha from covariance matrix raise an error on size<2
MultiScaleAnalysis could have Parallel Analysis on summary.
Added Chi Square test
Added new information on README.txt
0.13.1 / 2010-07-03¶ ↑
Rserve extensions for dataset and vector operational
On x86_64, variance from gsl is not exactly equal to sum of variance-covariance on Statsample::Reliability::Scale, but in delta 1e-10
Updated README.txt
Reliability::ScaleAnalysis uses covariance matrix for 'if deleted' calculations to optimize memory and speed. Test for 'if deleted' statistics
More string translated. Added dependency on tetrachoric on parallel analysis
0.13.0 / 2010-06-13¶ ↑
Polychoric and Tetrachoric moved to gem statsample-bivariate-extension
All classes left with summary method include Summarizable now. Every method which return localizable string is now parsed with _()
Correct implementation of Reliability::MultiScaleAnalysis.
Spanish translation for Mann-Whitney's U
Added example for Mann-Whitney's U test
Better summary for Mann-Whitney's U Test
Added Statsample::Bivariate::Pearson class to retrieve complete analysis for r correlations
Bug fix on DominanceAnalysis::Bootstrap
0.12.0 / 2010-06-09¶ ↑
Modified Rakefile to remove dependencies based on C extensions. These are moved to statsample-optimization
T test with unequal variance fixed on i686
API Change: Renamed Reliability::ItemAnalysis and moved to independent file
New Reliability::MultiScaleAnalysis for easy analysis of scales on a same survey, includind reliability, correlation matrix and Factor Analysis
Updated README to reflect changes on Reliability module
SvgGraph works with reportbuilder.
Added methods on Polychoric based on Olsson(1979): the idea is estimate using second derivatives.
Distribution test changed (reduced precision on 32 bits system
0.11.2 / 2010-05-05¶ ↑
Updated dependency for 'extendedmatrix' to 0.2 (Matrix#build method)
0.11.1 / 2010-05-04¶ ↑
Removed Matrix almost all Matrix extensions and replaced by dependency on 'extendmatrix' gem
Added dependency to gsl >=1.12.109. Polychoric with joint method fails without this explicit dependency
0.11.0 / 2010-04-16¶ ↑
New features:
Added Statsample::Anova::TwoWay and Statsample::Anova::TwoWayWithVectors
Added Statsample.clone_only valid and Statsample::Dataset#clone_only_valid, for cheap copy on already clean vectors
Optimizations and bug fix
Removed library statistics2 from package. Used gem statistics2 instead, because have a extension version
Added example for Reliability class
Bug fix on Statsample::DominanceAnalysis
0.10.0 / 2010-04-13¶ ↑
API modifications
Refactoring of Statsample::Anova module.
Statsample::Anova::OneWay :implementation of generic ANOVA One-Way, used by Multiple Regression, for example.
Statsample::Anova::OneWayWithVectors: implementation of ANOVA One-Way to test differences of means.
New features
New Statsample::Factor::Parallel Analysis, to performs Horn's 'parallel analysis' to a PCA, to adjust for sample bias on retention of components.
New Statsample#only_valid_clone and Statsample::Dataset#clone, which allows to create shallow copys of valid vector and datasets. Used by correlation matrix methods to optimize calculations
New module Statsample::Summarizable, which add GetText and ReportBuilder support to classes. Better summaries for Vector, Dataset, Crosstab, PrincipalAxis, PCA and Regression::Multiple classes
Optimizations and bug fix
Refactoring of Statsample::Regression::Multiple classes. Still needs works
Bug fix on Statsample::Factor::PCA and Statsample::Factor::PrincipalAxis
Bug fix on Statsample::Bivariate::Polychoric.new_with_vectors. Should be defined class method, no instance method.
Optimized correlation and covariance matrix. Only calculates the half of matrix and the other half is returned from cache
More tests coverage. RCOV Total: 82.51% , Code: 77.83%
0.9.0 / 2010-04-04¶ ↑
New Statsample::Test::F. Anova::OneWay subclasses it and Regression classes uses it.
0.8.2 / 2010-04-01¶ ↑
Statsample::PromiseAfter replaced by external package DirtyMemoize [rubygems.org/gems/dirty-memoize]
0.8.1 / 2010-03-29¶ ↑
Fixed Regression summaries
0.8.0 / 2010-03-29¶ ↑
New Statsample::Test::T module, with classes and methods to do Student's t tests for one and two samples.
Statsample::PromiseAfter module to set a number of variables without explicitly call the compute or iterate method
All tests ported to MiniUnit
Directory 'demo' renamed to 'examples'
Bug fix on report_building on Statsample::Regression::Multiple classes
0.7.0 / 2010-03-25¶ ↑
Ported to ReportBuilder 1.x series
Implementation of ruby based covariance and correlation changed to a clearer code
Statsample::Vector#svggraph_frequencies accepts IO
Some test ported to Miniunit
CSV on Ruby1.8 uses FasterCSV
0.6.7 / 2010-03-23¶ ↑
Bug fix: dependency on ReportBuilder should be set to “~>0.2.0”, not “0.2”
0.6.6 / 2010-03-22¶ ↑
Set ReportBuilder dependency to '0.2.~' version, because future API break
Removed Alglib dependency
Factor::PrincipalAxis and Factor::PCA reworked
Standarization of documentation on almost every file
New Statsample::Test::Levene, to test equality of variances
Constant HAS_GSL replaced by Statsample.has_gsl?
PCA and Principal Axis test based on R and SPSS results
Bug fix on test_dataset.rb / test_saveload
Added Rakefile
Demos for levene, Principal Axis
0.6.5 / 2010-02-24¶ ↑
Bug fix on test: Use tempfile instead of tempdir
Multiple Regression: Calculation of constant standard error , using covariance matrix.
Calculation of R^2_yx and P^2_yx for Regresion on Multiple Dependents variables
Dominance Analysis could use Correlation or Covariance Matrix as input.
Dominance Analysis extension to multiple dependent variables (Azen & Budescu, 2006)
Two-step estimate of Polychoric correlation uses minimization gem, so could be executed without rb-gsl
0.6.4 / 2010-02-19¶ ↑
Dominance Analysis and Dominance Analysis Bootstrap allows multivariate dependent analysis.
Test suite for Dominance Analysis, using Azen and Budescu papers as references
X^2 for polychoric correlation
0.6.3 / 2010-02-15¶ ↑
Statsample::Bivariate::Polychoric have joint estimation.
Some extra documentation and bug fixs
0.6.2 / 2010-02-11¶ ↑
New Statsample::Bivariate::Polychoric. For implement: X2 and G2
New matrix.rb, for faster development of Contingence Tables and Correlation Matrix
0.6.1 / 2010-02-08¶ ↑
Bug fix on DominanceAnalysis summary for Ruby1.9
Some extra documentation
0.6.0 / 2010-02-05¶ ↑
New Statsample::Factor module. Include classes for extracting factors (Statsample::Factor::PCA and Statsample::Factor::PrincipalAxis) and rotate component matrix ( Statsample::Factor::Rotation subclasses). For now, only orthogonal rotations
New Statsample::Dataset.crosstab_with_asignation, Statsample::Dataset#one_to_many
New class Statsample::Permutation to produce permutations of a given array
New class Statsample::Histogram, with same interface as GSL one
New class Statsample::Test::UMannWhitney, to perform Mann-Whitney's U test. Gives z based and exact calculation of probability
Improved support for ReportBuilder
Statsample::Codification module reworked
Fixed bugs on Dominance Analysis classes
Fixed bugs on Statsample::Vector#kurtosis and Statsample::Vector#skew
0.5.1 / 2009-10-06¶ ↑
New class Statsample::Bivariate::Tetrachoric, for calculation of tetrachoric correlations. See www.john-uebersax.com/stat/tetra.htm for information.
New ItemReliability.item_difficulty_analysis
New module Statsample::SPSS, to export information to SPSS. For now, only tetrachoric correlation matrix are provided
All SpreadSheet based importers now accept repeated variable names and renames they on the fly
MultipleRegression::BaseEngine moved to new file
Bug fix for MultipleRegression::GslEngine checks for Alglib, not GSL
0.5.0 / 2009-09-26¶ ↑
0.4.1 / 2009-09-12¶ ↑
More methods and usage documentation
Logit tests
Bug fix: rescue for requires doesn't specify LoadError
Binomial::BaseEngine new methods: coeffs_se, coeffs, constant and constant_se
0.4.0 / 2009-09-10¶ ↑
New Distribution module, based on statistics2.rb by Shin-ichiro HARA. Replaces all instances of GSL distributions pdf and cdf calculations for native calculation.
New Maximum Likehood Estimation for Logit, Probit and Normal Distribution using Von Tessin(2005) algorithm. See MLE class and subclasses for more information.
New Binomial regression subclasses (Logit and Probit), usign MLE class
Added tests for gsl, Distribution, MLE and Logit
Bug fix on svggraph.rb. Added check_type for scale graphics
Bug fix on gdchart. Replaced old Nominal, Ordinal and Scale for Vector
0.3.4 / 2009-08-21¶ ↑
Works with statsample-optimization 2.0.0
Vector doesn't uses delegation. All methods are part of Vector
Added Combination. Generates all combination of n elements taken r at a time
Bivariate#prop_pearson now can uses as a second parameter :both, :left, :right, :positive or :negative
Added LICENSE.txt
0.3.3 / 2009-08-11¶ ↑
Added i18n support. For now, only spanish translation available
Bug fix: Test now load libraries on ../lib path
Excel and CSV importers automatically modify type of vector to Scale when all data are numbers or nils values
0.3.2 / 2009-08-04¶ ↑
Added Regression::Multiple::GslEngine
Added setup.rb
Crosstab#row_label and column_name
DominanceAnalysis and DominanceAnalysisBootstrap uses Dataset#labels for Vector names.
0.3.1 / 2009-08-03¶ ↑
Name and logic of Regression classes changed. Now, you have Regression::Simple class and Regression::Multiple module with two engines: RubyEngine and AlglibEngne
New Crosstab#summary
0.3.0 / 2009-08-02¶ ↑
Statsample renamed to Statsample
Optimization extension goes to another gem: ruby-statsample-optimization
0.2.0 / 2009-08-01¶ ↑
One Way Anova on Statsample::Anova::OneWay
Dominance Analysis!!!! The one and only reason to develop a Multiple Regression on pure ruby.
Multiple Regression on Multiple Regression module. Pairwise (pure ruby) or MultipleRegressionPairwise and Listwise (optimized) on MultipleRegressionAlglib and
New Dataset#to_gsl_matrix, from_to,#[..],#bootstrap,#vector_missing_values, vector_count_characters, each_with_index, collect_with_index
New Vector#box_cox_transformation
Module Correlation renamed to Bivariate
Some fancy methods and classes to create Summaries
Some documentation about Algorithm used on doc_latex
Deleted 'distributions' extension. Ruby/GSL has all the pdf and cdf you ever need.
Tests work without any dependency. Only nags about missing deps.
Test for MultipleRegression, Anova, Excel, Bivariate.correlation_matrix and many others
0.1.9 / 2009-05-22¶ ↑
Class Vector: new method vector_standarized_pop, []=, min,max
Class Dataset: global variable $RUBY_SS_ROW stores the row number on each() and related methods. dup() with argument returns a copy of the dataset only for given fields. New methods: standarize, vector_mean, collect, verify,collect_matrix
Module Correlation: new methods covariance, t_pearson, t_r, prop_pearson, covariance_matrix, correlation_matrix, correlation_probability_matrix
Module SRS: New methods estimation_n0 and estimation_n
Module Reliability: new ItemCharacteristicCurve class
New HtmlReport class
New experimental SPSS Class.
Converters: Module CSV with new options. Added write() method for GGobi module
New Mx exporter (www.vcu.edu/mx/)
Class SimpleRegression: new methods standard error
Added tests for regression and reliability, Vector#vector_mean, Dataset#dup (partial) and Dataset#verify
0.1.8 / 2008-12-10¶ ↑
Added Regression and Reliability modules
Class Vector: added methods vector_standarized, recode, inspect, ranked
Class Dataset: added methods vector_by_calculation, vector_sum, filter_field
Module Correlation: added methods like spearman, point biserial and tau-b
Added tests for Vector#ranked, Vector#vector_standarized, Vector#sum_of_squared_deviation, Dataset#vector_by_calculation, Dataset#vector_sum, Dataset#filter_field and various test for Correlation module
Added demos: item_analysis and sample_test
0.1.7 / 2008-10-1¶ ↑
New module for codification
0.1.6 / 2008-09-26¶ ↑
New modules for SRS and stratified sampling
Statsample::Database for read and write onto databases. You could use Database and CSV on-tandem for mass-editing and reimport of databases
0.1.5 / 2008-08-29¶ ↑
New extension statsampleopt for optimizing some functions on Statsample submodules
New submodules Correlation and Test
0.1.4 / 2008-08-27¶ ↑
New extension, with cdf functions for chi-square, t, gamma and normal distributions. Based on dcdflib (www.netlib.org/random/) Also, has a function to calculate the tail for a noncentral T distribution
0.1.3 / 2008-08-22¶ ↑
Operational versions of Vector, Dataset, Crosstab and Resample
Read and write CSV files
Calculate chi-square for 2 matrixes
0.1.1 - 0.1.2 / 2008-08-18¶ ↑
Included several methods on Ruby::Type classes
Organized dirs with sow
0.1.0 / 2008-08-12¶ ↑
First version.